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December 2015

Health Information On Diabetes

December 28, 2015   

Almost all students said they know what to do with their spare time. 75% of students spend more than 1 hour in front of the TV, and 25% of students go to the television for more than three hours. 8 A third do not play computer never and 53% play less than half an hour to 2 hours. Conclusions personal hygiene usually wash their hands before eating. Most often wash your hair every day or two or three times a week. They tend to shower every day. In general cleaning habits are well established forecasting Conclusion accident is the third party has suffered an accident in the last 12 months. Accidents are frequent playing sports, and going from a passenger on the bike.

Accidents are more frequent driving the bicycle than driving motorcycles. Most accidents happen on the street followed by the college or school. Often motorcycle passenger van and drive bike, and never ride on skates. Almost half did not lead bike. In general a large proportion respecting traffic rules, usually wearing a seat belt and helmet on the bike, but a proportion no preventive measures evitaraccidentes done.

Conclusions on health information on diabetes believe that will not heal but you can live with it, a large proportion who think it is easily cured. Most people think that smoking is easily cured, but cost much. AIDS think the majority can not be cured and is very serious, although a small proportion that think they can heal. About anorexia have most the view that heals, although it costs a lot.

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