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April 2014


April 26, 2014   

The countries are rare where the rich ones have as much pleasure in showing what they possess, but Brazil is an example of this. They have material wealth, but they live entalados in the social poverty. The rich Brazilians are less rich spending to try to correct the errors created by the inaquality, spending each time more money to only protect itself of the invasive and inefficacious reality. When travelling for the exterior, they have that to support the foreign eyes, being seen as annihilating of the Amazonian forest. Always finding that they could construct alone country, they had become it sick and they live in the way of this illness. The rich ones do not obtain to enxergar the wealth that has in the poor persons, being this its bigger poverty. The spirit poverty has been the inspired greater of the governmental decisions of the poor Brazilian rich elites. When the rich ones to perceive the potential that exists in the brains of the poor persons, could reorient the development way whom all interested a mass, and not only some. The rich ones are so poor that they do not perceive the poor way that usufructs its wealth.

Center Of Hairdressing Fernando Collaborates In A Documentary On Multiculturalism

April 6, 2014   

Audiovisual work, with the title young multiculturalism of Bilbao, their names and their faces, was one of the projects awarded in the first competition of Ideas round, in the category of free theme, organized by the City Hall of Bilbao at the end of 2008. Throughout 2009 the documentary has been taking shape and now is ready for its premiere.Responsibility socialLa hairdresser Fernando Centre involvement in an initiative as directed by Julio Ulises Morales Lopez is framed within its active policy of Corporate Social responsibility. An element that tries to boost daily and turn into a philosophy permeating throughout the teaching activity from this Center. By that when came the opportunity to participate, taking also like central part to the students, from the center of hairdressing Fernando put all the necessary means to facilitate the work of this young director.The documentary attempted to publicize the great variety of cultures and customs between the youth residing today in Bilbao. In his work daily with students, all teachers and the teaching team of hairdresser Fernando Centre have the opportunity to see first hand this cultural richness that tries to capture Julio Ulises in images. Different ways of understanding life that have grown under cover of the various national who have been making Bilbao home. Focus on the personLa diversity of the city is palpable in the classrooms and in the halls of this Center in all and confronts this situation as a learning opportunity.

Attention to each student and each particular student has always been one of the fundamental values on which Fernando hairdressing Centre has guided its activity. This way of working, thinking about each person’s individual needs, fits perfectly with the multiculturalism of whom are formed to be future professionals of hairdressing.Live from Dentroademas to publicize the cultural diversity of Bilbao, the documentary of July young Ulises Morales Lopez has had, without intending it, another purpose: the show to students participating in the filming the important thing is the hairdressing, styling and makeup professionals work in an audiovisual medium. Therefore, has also been a practical lesson of what many of its teachers and professors reiterate them in class, and is from the center of hairdressing Fernando trying to inculcate their students innovative spirit. In addition to always be up to date in the new working techniques, a good professional hairdressing and styling should know that you can exercise their profession in hairdressing salons but also in other spaces where the image is very important as television, movies, theater, fashion shows, etc. Original author and source of the article.

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