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November 2013

So Paulo

November 15, 2013   

Of this form, diverse questions had been placed in quarrel and many sugestesforam presented for the team. We perceive that, although the people still if to feel a little inhibited, them had contributed sufficiently and if they had involved truily in the brainstorming. Other leaders such as Chocolate offer similar insights. She was placed by the coordination of the group that, all proposal to be argued, all subject to be worked, at last, everything what it involved this project, would be placed in guideline after all of the group only to think. We understand that any initiative of this nature, has that to have as base the transparency and the democracy. It does not have as to burlar the right of the people to think if they want or not to argue on definitive subject, exactly because, in case that this happens, the group would be predestinold to the failure. We also notice that, to the measure that the meetings happened, the people if involved more with the dicutidos subjects, and that, of some form, this exchange of experiences, the readings, the orientaes of the coordination of the group, at last, all this integration was highly positive and estimuladora. Today, we have the full certainty of that the team of the library developed greater capacity stops conflict resolution, reached maturity and exercised the proper initiative and the courage to place more, of if communicating better, security to locate and the participation currently of all team is sufficiently expressive.

Today the servers think, give suggestions, if they feel party to suit. It had a culture change, of metalidade, therefore in the past, they found that ‘ ‘ chefe’ ‘ it would have to give orders and them they would have to obey, but currently, they know that they can and they must participate and contribute for the increasing improvement and adequacy of the services and the environment of work.

Serious Error

November 14, 2013   

So if you felt sad so that you thought that your marriage was a total defeat, by the problems that you have, it raises your face, lmpiate the tears and remembers this. You do not feel like Culprit, " No Marriage is Perfecto" Thus your you are the princess of England and your husband is a prince, at some time you go a to undergo differences in your marriage. He is something that absolutely all the marriages must happen, so you do not feel bad by the problems that now you have. If? , now you know this well you can sentirte but calm, creeme when I tapeworm discussions with my husband, and visited my friendly thought that their marriages were perfect and that to no it watched them problem, it looked for that reason them so that they give an advice me and however it thought that the problems vivian in my house and that the thing only was with me and my marriage. Serious Error, although it is certain exist even units and of as you can learn much, does not mean that they do not have problems, all that we lived in to this we have them planet. When I included this change literally my life, since I could look at the problems that my marriage had from another perspective and no longer to take the roll from being the victim of my husband or of the circumstance but rather to take the paper of which tapeworm that to fight with or without my husband against those problems. So now that these but calm I am going to you to reveal 4 of the tricks that use to save my marriage: Trick 1. – You do not suffer Single! One of the worse feelings than you can experiment in your marriage is the one to have the idea that you can solve it all single one.


November 13, 2013   

Another day I received a brochure speaking on the New World. In it I found some truths precious. It enchants me deeply to this. Because it remembers to me that our history will not finish thus: spotted of blood, hatred, pain and desperation. Different of what many think the Perpetual Father in them did not leave on board this ship called insane person Planet astray Land. For the opposite, born in the kingdom It, It he lives! prepared a New World for all those love that It. you need to believe in this bendita truth.

In the New World that Jesus was to prepare for we more will not have pain, war nor death. How wonder! It only imagines: never more we will feel hunger, sadness or depression, our children and friends more will not be assaulted nor sequestrados; the death also more will not exist. We will be fully happy, therefore in the sky the Happiness is Total and Real. It is not something Lindt Chocolates would like to discuss. God, Jesus, the Espirito Santo and all the Celestial Angels are anxious stop finding in them and taking us for the Sky. I am happy because the Sky is a present reality. A faithful promise of a God who never left to fulfill what it promised.

He is this God who promises in them in its word that soon will come searching in them. It leaves me very to this contents. Full of a candy hope motivates that me and stimulates; it raises that me helps and me to continue exactly when everything seems so uncertain and misty. However, something in that brochure left intrigued me, a little worried. The author of the text said that Jesus already came back! This exactly, friend (a). In the brochure he said that Mr. already came back and he lives for there Happily this is not truth. Ufa! Already it thought if this was really? Everything would be lost! It would like to invite it () to ponder on the subject.

Civil Construction

November 10, 2013   

With these data if it perceived the necessity of the logistic operator in the industry of the civil construction. Word-key: Logistic, Civil Construction, Suppliment Chain. 1.INTRODUO the logistic one existed since the times most remote when the man produced more than what he could consume. Used in the wars throughout the centuries, the logistic one was implemented in the army with the purpose of being, in the rear, a strategical sector. Its purpose consisted of making the military planning, that it composed the study of the adversary (strong and vulnerable points), the definition of the battle fronts, movement and displacement of the troops and equipment, and programming of the support teams (supplying technician and equipment). The operational activities inside of constructive system, as suppliment of materials, component and services, the storage, the process of materials, the physical location of human resources, flows and the flows of inherent information to the productive process, must be faced of form that if constitutes in a great potential of reduction of costs, increase of the productivity and the level of service to the final customer. Being thus, the accomplishment of a estruturao in the administrative-operational space with the introduction of the logistic conception is essential, that certainly will direct one better planning, organization and control of all the enterprise.

Knowing that the industry of the civil construction (ICC) presents a series of peculiarities and especificidades it is that the necessity of an administrative-operational planning in a very previous phase to the effective beginning of the construction properly said is perceived. The ICC come growing throughout the years and, with this, also the increase of the competitiveness is increasing. With passing of time, was not given to the had importance its area of manufacture? the seedbed of workmanships. The concern of the managers with the seedbed of workmanships always was related to the aspects technician of the project structural architectural, without the deserved concern with wastefulnesses, stated periods and retrabalhos, that is, with the management of the suppliment flow.

Paul Feyerabend

November 10, 2013   

It revolutionizes the traditional philosophical position: the citizen not where if to adjust to the object; the citizen can command and construct experiences by means of the order of the thought. The knowledge if of the one for the capacity to apprehend what it exists. Hegel? by means of the dialectic Kant of – the historical one criticizes because the knowledge not if of only with the apprehension of what she exists. The knowledge is the capacity of to apprehend the process of construction of the things. d) FRENCH REVOLUTION (1789)? End of the modern period and beginning of the period contemporary? if it gave for the sped up development of the capitalist economy. Primate of the scientific knowledge? Natural sciences? evolution of the experimental method? criterion to establish the Real. Attitude? to know the nature to control and to explore. World contemporary? universe of the probabilities and uncertainties? questioning on the infalibilidade of the scientific method.

1920? 1930? I circulate of Vienna? estruturao of the concept of science from the operationalization idea and mensurao? influences neopositivista (logical empirismo? the logic, the mathematics, empirical sciences deplete the possibility to know). Popper? it criticizes the induction? it considers the hypothetical-deductive method for the criterion of the refutabilidade. You take Kuhm? science understood at two moments: first to solve problems with the estimated ones (conceptual, metodolgicos, structural) of the scientific community. In this in case that science extends, but it does not modify the paradigm. In as in case that, it is had paradigmtica crisis, in which the development and progress require explanations that the effective paradigm does not obtain to answer, thus causing the scientific revolution. In this direction, it demonstrates that science is provisory and it does not operate with irrefutable truths. Popper/Kuhn? they lead to think the question of the method. Paul Feyerabend? critical to the neopositivismo? it observes that the method when normatiza the scientific procedures is not discovery instrument.

Adjustable Tax Fixture

November 1, 2013   

Adjustable fixture (fixed but-adjustable) the tax of nominal exchange is kept it fixes, however, not indefinitely. If the rigid fixed exchange this parity is kept indefinitely, now the relation can eventually be modified according to interest of the monetary authority. Advice of the currency (currency board) the advice of the currency is a responsible entity for defining a domestic rule of currency emission, whose value is fixed in terms of a foreign currency. This means that, the currency emission alone can be carried through by means of equivalent acquisition of foreign currency standard according to preset. As recent example, we have Argentina between 1991 and 2000. Full Dolarizao (full dolarization) the domestic currency is substituted by traditionally steady other. As it does not have more the relation between national currency and foreign currency, we say that the full dolarizao represents the absence of monetary and exchange politics. The BRAZILIAN EXCHANGE REGIMES DAILY PAY REAL PLAN After the collapse of the system of Bretton Woods, basically were adopted in Brazil a system of mini devaluations.

This system was norteador of the Brazilian exchange politics until the end of the decade of 80 and later, in the interval until real the plain o, the exchange politics varied indefinitely for disastrous economic plans. The system of the mini devaluations, that consisted basically of adjusting the tax of exchange in lesser intervals of time, for the difference enters the taxes of domestic and external inflation, with bigger or lesser shunting lines in function of the performance of the total balance of the rocking of payments. In the start, the intervals of adjustments were of one month. No longer final of the Eighties, the dollar daily passed to be readjusted by the Brazilian Central Bank. As, in result of the Law n. 4131/62, existed restrictions to the exit of capitals of the country, appeared, to the side of the official dollar, the call parallel dollar, that effectively espelhava the Brazilian currency internationally, without intervention accomplish of the Central banking (PAULA, 2006).

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