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October 2013

Write Payment

October 19, 2013   

It will require effort and will not clean up its financial situation overnight. But with effort and persistence, you can get rid of debt in a much shorter time than you think. Step # 1 Gather all credit cards you have and choose one with which he wants to stay to cancel products can not be paid with cash, for example when shopping online. Step # 2 Write down everything you need for each card when it expires, and what is the interest rate of each. Step 3 Choose the one that has the lowest value of debt and double the amount of the payment of the card. Then try to pay it as soon as possible. Step 4 When you have paid your first credit card, celebrate his victory and cut with scissors to never use it. Step # 5 Then choose the next card with the lowest value and use the surplus that remains for payment of the first card to cancel the second.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 with remaining cards until you have all paid. You will see that there will be a snowball effect with each card that cuts, since the amount of the payment of previous debts will be accumulated and be available to pay outstanding card debt. Step # 6 Avoid impulse buying. Do not go to the supermarket without a list. Compare prices and always pay everything with cash. Step # 7 Use the card that fits you very carefully.

Only shop when you know you'll be able to pay the full amount of your purchase at the time of receipt of the card, which is normally the next month. Never pay in installments. If you need help to change their situation Financial, you'll love our 10 facts about how having a business that a mother taught her son and as a result of which he became a millionaire at age 21! The available for free download in De Bettina Langerfeldt, whose passion is to teach people of all ages how to acquire a vision for your life, like setting goals and then pursue specific education to enable them to achieve them. Langerfeldt Bettina, whose passion is to teach people of all ages how to acquire a vision for their life, such as setting goals and then pursue specific education to enable them to achieve them.

Emilia Romagna Success

October 13, 2013   

Here it is, therefore, the first slight knowledge on the concept of Industriasos Districts which had started to assume other terminologies (clusters, agromerados enterprise, local productive arrangements, etc.) in century XX, as it will be seen in the following paragraphs. 2. Soon historical retrospect concerning the Italian Industrial Districts In the decade of 70 (sc. XX), the region of Emilia Romagna (that it includes the cities of Friuli-Venice-Giulia, Vneto, Trentino-High Adige and Toscana), aoSul of Italy, traditionally poor, is known internationally due to the extraordinary development reached for its industrial districts, and also for the public politics regional innovator in average small relation to the companies. The high tax of exportation, the raised wages, the full job and the high level of resultant life of a based productive system in PME’ s, has generated numerous studies on the call ‘ ‘ Emiliano’ model; ‘. Without a doubt, this model is not based only on a productive system of small average companies (PME’ s), but also in a singular combination between a progressive government, social integration and of enterprise success. It is from there that the elementoinovador appears, enriquecedor of the success gotten for the region. According to BECATTINI (1999: 46), ‘ ‘ The success of small companies came, still, to contradict the certainties solidly established of the economists of all the ideological shades, or almost, for which the possibilities of the small companies were structurally modest and would decline with tempo’ ‘. As much this is truth that, when verifying the fast economic growth gotten by the region of Emilia-Romagna, where it had considerable concentration of small companies, BECATTINI (1992: 32) emphasized: ‘ ‘ the industrial district is a socioterritorial entity characterized by the active presence of a community of people and a population of companies in one determined space geogrfico.

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