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May 2012


May 25, 2012   

All of them are portrayed hard. It has been a critic success and, more important still, it has pierced in many spectators of different layers social. Ireland. The one that was called the tiger at the time celta, the mirror in which to watch itself for the practice of the new financial Capitalism, has crumbled and finished being rescued. But while in the EU the rescue was prepared, the internal debate monopolized the sovereignty, a capital question in a state of recent creation like the Irish, that nor one hundred years ago it became independent from the United Kingdom. The fear resided in which the economic policy was dictated from the outside. However, Ireland resists to leave the policy of low taxes to the multinationals. Iceland.

Although the habitual speech insists on which the Icelandic answer will fail, the call of rrendos on the payment of the contracted debt, the paralyzation of the political life and the creation of an ample social movement is, for many, an example of direct democracy before the financial power. Fiscal justice. " It is necessary to go to forms of distribution of the wealth more justas" , it indicates Isidro Lopez. The taxation of the Sicav (investment organizations that pay low taxes) are one of the essential claims. But also one requests the recovery of the tax of patrimony, the reform of the PERSONAL INCOME TAX to introduce more progressiveness, changes in the taxes of successions, substitution of indirect taxes (like the IVA) by direct taxes, etc. Groups of pressure. The economic power is used them to make merit its theses and its work is criticized with action like the prize to the worse European lobby. ONG' ecological s of aid to the development or organizations criticize their activity, but also criticism the implantation of economic the unique thought – with effective Capitalism like unique option and its answers like infallible science from foundations, forums of thought and even in the universities.

Universal Declaration

May 22, 2012   

It received influence from iluministas as John Locke and similar documents, previously elaborated in England. England decided to increase some taxes and taxes, beyond creating new laws that took off the freedom of the North Americans. Amongst these laws we can cite: Law of the Tea (gave the monopoly of the commerce of tea for an English commercial company), Law of the Stamp (all product that circulated in the colony must have a stamp vendido for the English), Law of the Sugar (the colonists alone could buy sugar come of the Antilhas English). these, not yet accepted the lack of legal representative inside of the English Parliament. In the Congresses of the Philadelphia of 1774 and the 76 colonists if had congregated to take measured ahead of whom he was happening. This congress did not have separatista character, therefore it only intended to retake the situation previous. They wanted the end of the restrictive measures imposed by the metropolis and greater participation in the life politics of the colony. In 1776, the colonists if had congregated in as the congress with the objective biggest to conquer independence.

During the congress, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. However, England did not accept the independence of its colonies and declared war. The War of Independence, that occurred between 1776 and 1783, was won for the United States with the support of France and Spain. As much the Bill of rights of Virginia as Declaration of American Independence is based on the natural laws of the man, that is, in the rights ' ' inalienveis' '. Both had been important for the development of these ideas in such a way inside of the United States as in all America. The Universal Declaration of 1948 represents the high point of an ethical process that, initiated with the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen, of the French Revolution, led to the recognition of the essential equality of all human being in its dignity of person, that is, as source of all the values, independently of the differences of the race, color, sex, language, religion, opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth, or any another condition.

Universal Declaration

May 21, 2012   

In Legal Science some meanings concerning what exist it would be a legal principle, happen frequently, this if it constitutes as an arrangement of ideals, normative thoughts and that have as base, foundation, a central idea, a nuclear order of a system, from which all the too much norms derive and make reference, leading back themselves or subordinating themselves; essentially, in the Right, the principle means bedding, base (ESPNDOLA, 2002; MELLO, 1980; IT HISSES, 1989). The conception of the beginning of optimum interest of the child and the protection of it has its origin in the institute of parens patriae, that it was a prerogative used for the King of England to protect those that could not make it for itself alone (PEAR TREE, 2000). Later, this attribution started to be of the English Cuts of Chancellery that if had charged to protect all the children, as well as the weak insane people and, inasmuch as, people who would not have total capacity to manage its interests; after that distinctions for parens had been made patriae of protection of the insane people for the one of the protection of the children (PEAR TREE, 2000). Throughout the years, the rules and the philosophy of ' ' better interesse' ' if they had transferred of the cuts to the courts and the question of the protection of the child was if constituting a traditional institute of the normative ones of some countries, going since the Great Letters until Legal codes (PEAR TREE, 2000). 17 In our contemporaneidade, the idea of ' ' better interest of criana' ' she was being constructed and debated to soon of the years since the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 until the International Convention of the Rights of the Child in 1989. In Brazil, the Convention was authenticated in the year of 1990, through the decree n 99,710 (PEAR TREE, 2000; LAURIA, 2003).

Brief Shutdown

May 20, 2012   

Of the ways crossed and shared in the Vermelha Route, we found the District of Inhassoro in the Province of Inhambanne, to about 800 kilometers to the north of Maputo the capital of Mozambique. The occasion of being part in the process to qualify and to improve a program of education in technical formation, directed to the population was the mobilising temptation, to be able to believe in a project that somehow by only done of its existence the quality of life of the people would elevate, towards the deeply tempting thing and a challenge in professional terms. Although, this time the matter was not so strong and is necessary much more that to only exist, since must have soul and the recognition of the collective heart, and in the case of this District until today it is continued invisibilizando the women and his work, relegating his needs and leaving them without capacity to that they have right to being able to exert and to live his own personal history, because they even continue being part of the other. The objective, of this small investigation is to analyze as they are being developed social, economic, cultural and traditional relations in the District of Inhassoro in the Province of Inhambanne, reflecting from a sort perspective the traditional model and the new international national elements like that are being introduced in their internal structures, as also external influences that are being part of the processes. From a beginning, the surrealismo mozambiqueo marked to the analysis of all the structural, normative, statistical and cultural aspects experience to them, or by ignorance, lack of resources and experience, by not to have been born in the country and often to feel the racial discrimination 1, professional and still more unmarried woman, but in spite of all the limitations is necessary to recognize that it was obtained a strong arraigamiento and affection by this country.


May 17, 2012   

This aspect is important for determining a daily one that it goes to emerge in the first decades of century XX. The party architectural has left of some basic principles, closely on to the geographic, climatic factors, of constructive technique and materials, which, as many times, until middle of century XX, were imported, depriving of characteristics the natural conditions of the small farm and the daily one of the society, mainly of the elite. What it is clearly is the dynamism that the national economy provokes in the transformation and drawing of the city. We are defining the city of Saints, of coastal localization with a shy fishing tradition, as a city ' ' cafeeira' ' , not as producing, evidently, but as strong tied with the agrarian questions that, at a first moment, it was come back toward the sugar. A moment that the architecture brought the question of the permanncias, when in them we come across with the plant of the urban residence, rescuing elements of the agricultural one. If it in the times of muares cannot disentail the importance of the contact with the interior, either slower, or more than agreement with the economic pujana through the railroad nets. Already in the colonial times, the factor of proximity with the capital favored its development economic.

In this manner, the net that will be able, with the international contact is seted saw exportation port, or as port of immigrant reception, to be definitive to the aesthetic standards and of behavior, that soon would go to draw the city and the ways of living. The transformation, almost that it leaves of being spontaneous, natural, passing the obligator one. The city is not a tree that grows and launches its twigs and branches in a natural trend on the space. It happens considering ruptures at some moments, appealing new new spaces or functions.

Taiwanese Economy

May 15, 2012   

AAgncia de Economic Desenvolvimento of Taiwan divulged given referring the 15hotis of high level. The information give to account of the efforts of the industry doturismo for the energy conservation and reduction of the emissions of gases doefeito greenhouse. Prximopasso will be to offer to an international event that attracts companies and entidadesambientais of the whole world, strengthening the box of the units. The participantesso the hotels Howard, Brother, San Want, The Riviera, Sheraton, The Sherwood, Miramar, Garden, The Landis, Imperial, Ambassador, Grand Hyatt, Caesar Park, Gloria Prince and Far Eastern Square. All located in the Taip capital or Taipei. The aesdesenvolvidas ones already show the first results. A reduction nosgastos of electric energy was obtained, with a economy of 846.000 watts.

Still according to Agncia, they had left of being emitted 886 a thousand tons of Co2, only of August aoutubro of the year of 2.009. The governmental entities wait that others ramosdo tourism and other sectors of Taiwanesa economy follow the example. As setorde services represents around 71% of the Gross domestic product of the country, osresultados entertainers are highly, revealing plus one of Good the NotciasVerdes.

4 Tips To Construct A Successful Portflio

May 2, 2012   

To walk for the financial labyrinth of action, headings and deep loans can be a great challenge. American Century Investments offers the following tips to give know-how to it in the construction of an income-producing wallet. * It knows its objectives. It thinks in how much money you go to need for the education its children or its retirement. Whichever its vision for the future could be, define its goals and develop a plain concrete to find them.

* It defines its secular horizon of investment. If you are not thinking about if to retire so early, you can want to have a portflio that includes investments of longer stated period. If the retirement is when capsizing the esquina, considers a boarding more conservative. * It determines its tolerance to the risk. To discover its level of risk comfort and to compare with what you can pay. In general, the more time you have to invest, the biggest risk that you can take. * A professional consults. In order to prevent the financial traps, later, many times it is advisable to look professional orientation, when to mount a portfolio.

‘ ‘ Recent research shows that the investors continue to deal with some of the investment concepts most basic, suggesting to a bigger necessity of financial aconselhamento and orientao’ ‘ , Doug Lockwood, a certifyd financial planner said. To help the investors to reach its financial goals, American Century Investments has developed On Investir Plan, a conceived program to help the investors to construct and to keep diversified wallets of investment – at no cost additional. Combining educational tools, advice, vision of market and products of investment, On Investir Plan of aid the investors to develop a strategy of personal investment, if they are new to invest orientation, searching, but still I want control on its mix of investment, she needs aid positioning of its wallets with a long perspective of long or needs aid to understand as the markets function.

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