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November 2015

Informational Efficiency

November 27, 2015   

A huge amount of information falls on us every day. It is the Internet, television, book production, magazines. We represent schematically the process of converting the incoming stream. Information flow of information that we have apprehended The information that we remember the information that we use on exit, we have a very small amount of information that will be remembered and that we use. In order to organize work effectively with information flow, I decided to enter the score and called it an information efficiency.

Informational efficiency = output / input at the entrance – the entire information flow at the exit – that remains useful for us. Incoming stream passes through stages: 1. Information that we received. Ie that part of the information from the incoming flow, which we noticed and are able to perceive. This part is much smaller than the incoming flow and depends on the purpose of obtaining information and our outlook. What it is, the most we can somehow understand and absorb. 2.

The information that we remember. Information that we have noticed, remembered, not all. And the only part of it, and it depends on many factors. In the general case of our interest in specific information and on our capacity to remember. 3. The information that we use. An even smaller portion of the incoming stream remains in us as practical knowledge. This information is then used to develop the skills, the formation of expert skills, expanding horizons, or other practical skills. Our task – to improve their information efficiency. Efficiency can be increased by two ways: 1. Limiting the incoming stream for a particular purpose. In this case, we have highly specialized knowledge. This version of Sherlock Holmes, he has expertise and skills in their field. As for the other areas, he missed them from the field of attention. For example, as he put as to whether the sun revolves around the Earth or vice versa – for his case this was not significant. 2. By increasing effectiveness of each stage. Ie we do not limit the incoming flow, but increases the efficiency of each subsequent stage of processing. In this situation, can overload the input. Not all information is worthy of our attention, much less to score his head useless input information is not necessary. This version of a walking encyclopedia, there are such individuals. Most people know by heart can quote someone from the great, but their own thoughts clearly not enough. We will not go to extremes described above. As recommended by wise teachers of antiquity – to follow the middle path. Our goal: – structuring the incoming stream at our goal, selecting the desired and filtering irrelevant information – to increase the efficiency of its subsequent processing, due to the development of relevant skills.

Internet Information

November 22, 2015   

But it does not help the sailors scrubbing the deck, do not follow the way the engineer checks the engine. The captain has a very important job – thinking, and not distracted by various little things that can make and ordinary workers. As well arranged and people. We only ask a trip, say we want to get this and that, as our subconscious is still processing the information, analyzes it, compares with those beliefs and values that you hold. Subconscious access to all the laws of the universe, so he does not deliver the work to organize all the way to "accidentally" walking in the street you are greeted his old friend, who will help you realize your goal. Sometimes you think you've dreamed about something and forgotten. But your subconscious mind has not forgotten.

It was a clear indication, and will work on its implementation, so as not to happened. Even when you sleep or relax, the subconscious mind analyzes all environmental information and calculates the options for your desire. You can compare a person with a computer, where the memory – it is our consciousness. The processor and hard drive – the subconscious mind. Internet – The Universe. ram does not necessarily know how to work the processor. And for that brains do not overheat, the volume of our memory is limited. The hard disk drive (Unconscious) stored a lot more information but it is only the information that relates to us.

And now the Internet if you want you can find all necessary information. So when you're guessing a certain desire, or put a goal, you do not need to know how you will achieve this. Of course, you need to take any steps that (as we recall, the number of steps depends on the sincerity of our desire), but most of all you should listen to their inner feelings, because they convey the consciousness of the necessary information from the subconscious. We can distinguish some basic conditions easy realization of your desires: 1. Sincerity and desire and purity of thoughts. 2. The belief that you necessarily get it. The absence of negative feelings and sensations associated with this objective. 3. Need to constantly listen to yourself, to your feelings, your intuition and follow their guidelines. 4. Be open to everything new and to take stronger action to achieve your goals. 5. And most importantly – no obsession on your desire. This is only a desire – and nothing else. Sure, you can plan your route to achieve your goals, plan to paint every day. There's nothing wrong with that. But it must be very flexible and sensitive to change and not be dependent on your plan. If something is not it turns out, somewhere there was a barrier, relax, do some other things yet or think about how you can go the other way. If you trust your feelings and external events, the subconscious mind in tandem with the universe will you to your goal much shorter and more comfortable way than the one you have drawn for themselves. Especially because the subconscious is much better position to know exactly what you need. And only after this or that desire, you can realize: "Oh, yes! Because I really wanted it so. " Believe in yourself, your inner feeling, not in a hurry and do not worry, do not hung up and not condemn, and you will soon get exactly what so long dreamed. A possible even better.

Information Security Magazine

November 20, 2015   

In October 2000, Ken and Michael Xi (Ken, Michael Xie), along with a dozen of the best engineers decided to organize a company that addresses network problems, a new generation. They worked day and night to create the world's first multifunction network device using specialized coprocessors ASIC for hardware acceleration analysis of network traffic. The apogee of these developments has been the phenomenon of the market in May 2002, the first device FortiGate . On Today, companies of all sizes, all areas of economic activity, regardless of geographic location using FortiGate, in order to fully protect their networks against all types of threats. Over time, Fortinet expanded its product suite to include a solution to protect Web applications, e-mail traffic, database, custom components and vulnerability management. Technological competence and professionalism specialists Fortinet allowed the company to maintain its leadership in the UTM-market products for 6 consecutive years. This fact is confirmed by several world-renowned research companies: IDC, Gartner and Frost & Sullivan.

For their technological innovation vendor received more than 60 patents, and the number of certificates it surpasses any other manufacturer's devices, network security. During its existence, Fortinet has received over 100 awards from such known specialized publications, like Information Security Magazine, SC Magazine and NetworkWorld. Recognition of the users – is another indicator of success. For all the time Fortinet has shipped more than 600,000 units to customers around the world, whose number to date exceeds 100,000. Most of the partners Fortinet is included in the list Fortune Global 500" of 2010.

Friend Circulation

November 19, 2015   

Runes are letters of alphabets used by ancient northern peoples in stages prior to the Christianization and the imposition of the Romance languages, mainly by the Roman invasion and conquest. Today, runes and divination method unfairly lost their place, being displaced by other techniques, perhaps more familiar to Western culture, such as the tarot. But fortunately, Tarot friend got this rich tradition and presents a complete section, to the delight of all lovers of the arts of divination and white magic. In the section of the Tarot Runes Friend takes up these interesting notions for the people so deeply rooted Celtic, Saxon and Scandinavian. The first runes dating from the Bronze Age, but later, when they became more known in the ancient world is used to make them with small pebbles, with a special enrollment in each of them. In Tarot Amigo is possible to access a free circulation of the runes, from a convenient and simple interface that even allows the visitor to choose which model you want to display rune, from twenty different to make the cast as personal as possible. Thus, from Tarot friend you can access several different runs of the runes, as the need is very timely to ask a question, or want to get a general reading of the future of the client. In Tarot Amigo, well, you can access the circulation of the Celtic Cross, Planetary circulation, the circulation of Odin, Thor’s cross, the circulation of the Trees of Life, Chuck Vee, Chuck Runic of diamonds, Chuck Love, Personality, the Labour and Business, Chuck Daily, and the Past, Present and Future.

Also, from Tarot Amigo is possible to access a personalized cast our minds that specialize in reading the runes. The runes are extremely versatile in their reading, with a rich meaning, provided just the letter, or rune is inscribed on it. The very name a runaa is based on the following runa a in the Gothic language means a secretoa . For the ancient Nordic runes are of divine origin, and each rune has a meaning and evocation, which are interpreted by the Tarot Friend mentalists, who are familiar with the broad deepest secrets of these humble stones. The runes represent largely the weapons with which each client has to deal with problems that may arise. Unlike the Tarot, in which the arcana can represent other people taking part in our lives, the cast of the runes, Tarot as Friend offers, focuses more on intimate questions of the individual’s personality, making them gives his character so special.

Second Coaching Process Awareness

November 17, 2015   

The who knows a lot of others is a connoisseur, but wiser is what is known as itself. He who dominates others is strong, but he who masters himself is stronger. Lao-Tse to metaphors of the boiled frog If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water will jump immediately. But if you put a frog in a pot with water at room temperature and not scared, one will be very quiet. If you then raise the temperature of 20-25 degrees, the frog will be very satisfied. As you raise the temperature slowly and gradually the frog will not jump stunning. When the water is too hot and not in a position to jump even if nobody stops them. If you follow global warming, and finally dies and boils. What happened? The neurological unit of the frog is able to detect threats to sudden changes in the environment.

Not to change slow and gradual. Poor awareness making subtle threats that occur with personal and business goals is the cause of many failures. Systemic studies have shown that happens as in the parable of the frog. Our mind is so tuned to receive only ena sequences of less than 34 repetitions per minute, slower processes gradual and not perceive. Have you ever been to watch the puddles left by a flood? If you stay to watch carefully for a few minutes you will come to life. They are as beautiful creatures.

Web Syndication

November 12, 2015   

When we are starting to promote our business and do not have much experience in this regard, it is very easy to be lured by the temptation to take an email list, we arrived in a "chain", or search the forums and gather email accounts or purchase A CD with millions of email accounts a "great price" and then post your new opportunities for these thousands of "prospects", without asking for any kind of permission. This activity is known as "Spam" or Unsolicited sending information. Although a great many people still do not mean it is right, sometimes done out of ignorance, but be careful because this can have serious consequences you like and have to pay about $ 230 million to social networking giant. There are several ways to not fall into the error spam and the more effective is to create a list of people who "accept" in a way that you send information, for example through a landing page with a form to voluntarily Prospectus enter your data, for example look at my page to find prospects who want to invest in Forex. Another important thing is that your message must have a power automatically deleted from the list for themselves, for this I recommend you use the services of automated autoresponders, and personally I recommend is GetResponse. Another way to reach your prospects really interested and have a blog is through RSS System – or in syndication or Web Syndication. Web Syndication, is but one way a Web site makes available the material so you can use on other sites.

One of the most widely used formats is the RSS, and you can keep updated through an RSS reader or aggregator. The aggregator may show the updated news on a website or blog to which you have subscribed at the time of updating the source. There are a lot of RSS readers or aggregators, among the most popular is Google Reader, which is the one I use personally. Sergio Hernandez –

Executive Coaching And Its Scope

November 12, 2015   

Carlos Mora Vanegas’s friend cares about your head, the enemy of your feet on the Management must present to the features of the present highly competitive scenario, where successful exit, which have been prepared for it, using new approaches optimally and tools of administration, management, is fully identified with elastic decisive role provides executive coaching, to be used in conducting human resources in its charge. a Unfortunately many companies, especially SMEs in the country that have not been identified with what executive coaching represent. Our insistence as a teacher of these areas as well as the role of business adviser / consultant, is manifested constantly on the significance of taking into account the scope, impact, benefits of the executive coaching executive coaching as a management technique was created to help improve organizational performance by training directors, managers and key staff throughout of time will create value and optimize business processes as a result of its implementation. Actually this technique is not being very used by Venezuelan companies, much less in SMEs. This is due to several reasons, first because this technique is perhaps not widely known and its benefits. This technique requires training, training, to bring the person or groups of persons as far as you want, and this requires an investment of time and money, and often the results are not immediate. Another major obstacle has been the Venezuelan company to launch this new technique is because it is directed only professional people or more valuable and more relevant to the organization, is not aimed at the mass work of the organization. .

Business Communication And Advertising

November 12, 2015   

Zaragoza. July 1. Master-D, University of Zaragoza and the Association of Advertising Agencies Media and Aragon have signed a collaboration agreement that will allow students who finish the Master in Business Communication and Advertising organized by these two entities to engage in work practices in Master -D. Additionally, with students in the Master Agreement will participate in sessions that will be held at their facilities in order to meet ein situu its working by objectives, corporate culture and how it develops communication. The Master in Business Communication and Advertising, organized by the University of Zaragoza and the Association of Advertising Agencies Media and Aragon is currently developing its seventh promotion. This is a proper degree from the University of Zaragoza, which combines theoretical training (complete with computer and audiovisual material) and practical training through the implementation idea work practices in areas of communication.

To enable these practices are concluded partnership agreements with companies and Zaragoza to have areas of marketing and / or communication, including Master-D is. a In line with the Bologna Process Fandos Manuel, head of external relations at Master-D, states that the agreement signed delves into compliance with one of the main mandates of the Bologna plan, as is the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical closer university degrees and post-graduates in the labor market. In addition, Fandos says Elas companies have a growing requirement to join their professional knowledge and experience to approach the problems realesu. a The collaboration agreement has been signed by Yolanda Polo Redondo, Professor in Marketing and Market Research at the University of Zaragoza, Ignacio Monientes Aznar, President of AMAP and Jesus Gomez Laguna, CEO of Master-D. External Relations Master-D, Manuel Fandos has been responsible for the Departments of Educational Innovation, Product and Mastervision Master-D and is currently External Relations of the company. Doctor in Educational Psychology from the University of Huelva, Bachelor of Science in Education from UNED and Ecclesiastical Studies from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Fandos a degree in Theology from the Regional Center for Theological Studies of Aragon, and the University Teaching Zaragoza. It also offers the Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Education and is a trainer of trainers and monitor leisure.

His work includes the director of various centers of Public Education, Lifelong Learning Advisor at the Centers for Resource Teachers and Ejea de los Caballeros, Calatayud and Zaragoza Juan de Lanuza psychologist and the MEC. Fandos Manuel has worked also as an associate professor at the University of Manchester (England) and professor of Experimental Speech, and Speech and New Technologies and Teaching Methodology. Chief Department of Experimental Speech-Leng Fono Aragon, (affiliate of the University of Manchester). Exercises, in turn, as a consultant to Kaleidos, Office Services educational psychologists in Zaragoza.

European Champion

November 11, 2015   

To date in the construction industry a real revolution. And then just do not see in diy stores, and once quickly built houses, built up the city, so much innovation and technology – my head spin! There is such a thing as a pile rental. At the moment, anyway, in construction it is used with regular frequency. Pile rental – so-called tongue Larsen. This is – a very necessary thing, because it (this thing) used in construction of oil pipelines, gas pipelines, roads, dams and bridges. It is also very important! Therefore, without the dowel nowhere. For example, at a construction pit: built, and then suddenly a landslide or some other natural disaster? So that the pit to protect.

Fencing what? Larsen tongue! So we will strengthen the walls of the pit. Only this is why, I wonder, tongue is Larsen? There are two options: sheet piles, probably held together by a checkerboard pattern, because in the 60-70th years belt in chess all gave Bent Larsen, who was candidate for the world championship, sheet piles are so strong, and from them we can construct such a strong fence, just What goals have been powerful Danish footballer Henrik Larsen, European Champion 1992 in .Nu still Larsen – a character from a novel by Jack London's Sea Wolf. " And so now believe – is unclear. Believe in the strength and reliability. This the best guarantee for building success. Sheet piles are made of rolled profiles – pipes easier. These piles are made of special steel. Fencing Larsen tongue, you get a kind of wall.

It can be built from dowel, dowel or pipe Larsen. If you want to do work in a small space, it is best to install the fence of the dowel method . To do this you will need a vibrator. With it, you be able to lift and carry transfer dowel across the construction site. Larsen also groove can be set by pressing and by driving. The most important advantage of the sheet piling is corrosion resistance. Larsen also tongue is good that he is easily installed, in addition, you can review the range and choose the right groove. Tongue Larsen through intensive testing for strength before they go on sale, which guarantees quality and safety of future designs.

Electronic System

November 7, 2015   

One evidences that always it has increasing and successive movements in history: of the orality for the writing, of the writing for the press, this for the radio and the television, until arriving it computer science and this do not estimate the end of this evolutiva chain in the construction of communications human beings. As it said at the beginning of this I capitulate the perfectioning of the ways to propagate the information had been created by the necessity of the man if to communicate. this throughout its history, is always remained in the expectation of desvelar new horizontes, exploring territories other people’s, stimulated for the interaction desire, of discovery. The invention of the press came to the meeting of this desire, ‘ ‘ it is divided History in before and after the sprouting of escrita’ ‘ (FIALHO, 1993, P. 15). For the evolution in the television you say that only it appeared later as the Wikipdia source (2009) says: the first system half-mechanic of analogical television was demonstrated in February of 1924 in London, and, later, images in movement in 30 of October of 1925.

A complete electronic system was demonstrated by John Logie Baird, Philo Farnsworth and Philo Taylor Farnsworth in 1927. The first analogical service was the WGY in Schenectady, New Iorque, inaugurated in 11 of May of 1928. in this evolution of communications Brazil also is distinguished with the TV Tupi: The Brazilian television, the example of the north-amercana, already initiates under the commercial model. The magnate of the communications of the time, Assis Chateaubriand, is the responsible one for the inauguration of the first television channel, 10 of September of 1950, in experimental character. Eight days later, he enters in air, officially, the first sender of Brazil, the TV Diffusing Tupi of So Paulo. (GUARESCHI; BIZ, 2007, p.35) Indicated the origin and the function of the media in we sociedadepartimos for as I capitulate where a picture of the force becomes that the medias exert on the mass population.

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