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April 2012

Capital Intellectual

April 22, 2012   

As To protect and To manage the Capital Intellectual However, the knowledge – its use efficiently, management and maintenance – has that to be taken the serious one for the professional that it desires to make more for its independent career of the rank or profession that has. Xavier (1998) points as we can manage this so important asset for our personal and professional life. To never neglect in the work, the attendance of the customer and the development with its necessities and objectives. The customer knows or intui that the knowledge and the credentials, for itself alone, are not the solution: knowledge applied with recklessness or applied does not have no value. To make comfortable themselves with what it learned in the college and never to stop to study. In each field of the knowledge the evolution today is fast and intense – to follow it is not task of most easy. When a professional if concentrates in working, premido for the necessities of more immediate profit, its career goes to suffer with certainty.

The choice is its: it can leave that its knowledge if spoils. To search credentials higher, in accordance with the demands of the market. For example: it had a time in Brazil where somebody with as the complete degree easily arrived at the management in a multinational; later, the third degree became necessary; today it is demanded mestrado and until doutorado. Concluding: or the professional if acquires knowledge of that the knowledge is a necessity of its career, and there becomes capable of geriz it well, or hand of the evolution in career One in the ways is not acquired knowledge and opens to protect the Intellectual capital is to register the industrial property, that is, to effect a formal and legal register of property of patents, drawings, the marks, etc. To stimulate the creative and innovative thought, to internally share the technological innovations and the acquired knowledge, to cultivate and to protect the intellectual capital, establishing goals and pointers.

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