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September 2013

Risk Credit

September 29, 2013   

The work involves the placing of public contracts to manufacture and supply equipment for small businesses, special exhibitions, wholesale markets and fairs. In the same row and is legally enforceable right of small businesses in the accelerated depreciation of fixed production assets, with such costs production costs in the amount two times greater than the standards set for other businesses. Until now it was a risk of the debtor. As for the risk the lender (credit risk), then under it is understood the danger that will not be returned to duty and not paid interest on the loan. To reduce credit risk the lender takes a number of measures, including: a detailed study of the debtor, including his credit history (behavior when calculating previous loans); analysis of financial and economic situation of the debtor; study of the proposed collateral; study of the proposed sureties; prospective study of internal and external sources loan repayment; analysis of possible risks and ways to overcome them; quality professional legal services (elaboration credit agreement and other required documents, conducting arbitration and litigation, and other necessary measures to ensure repayment of debts). To reduce credit risk, most banks adhere to a certain line of conduct, which is formulated in Invited papers: Memorandum on the Bank's lending policies.

The model memorandum usually reflected the following issues: the general requirements for lending system; acceptable degree of risk; measures the bank's management credit risk; receivables, adverse to the bank; unwanted types of lending for the bank; receivables that are desirable for the bank; desirable for a bank loan types; limiting the size of loans. To reduce Risk professionally trained employee of the bank (preferably in psychology) is conducting a long, well-thought-out conversation with a potential debtor, which resulted in clearer information presented by the debtor in his loan application. Primarily it is about getting information about the debtor and his company, the amount and conditions of the loan, the real possibilities of its maturity date, the pledge and surety, credit history of the company, etc. As a result of conducting her interview the employee should have a clear understanding of the interlocutor, to make it a psychological portrait, to determine the ability of the enterprise-debtor the terms of the loan agreement and its intentions in this regard, to understand the reality of achieving the objectives of the loan, as well as the degree of preparedness for this company personnel. According to the results of the conversation takes a decision either to continue work on lending of the applicant, or it will cease.

Flavio Josefo

September 23, 2013   

And it comes to Portugal only in 1422. Little slowly, and not without overcoming great difficulties, generalized everywhere by the end of the middle ages. The glory of Dionisio destello in every corner of the ancient world, and when he died fourteen years later. Would have been able to score with pride in his obituary that had died in the year 540 invented era by the unforeseen.-However, by modern historians that spread joy today looks tarnished: Dionisio had been wrong. In effect the Gospel of Matthew provides the data, not considered by Dionysius, that Jesus came into the world at the time of King Herod (2,1). And by the Roman writer Flavio Josefo, contemporary with Christ, we know that this King died in the year 4 BC, a few days after a lunar eclipse occurred on 12 March, that had illuminated the horrible infectious disease of the monarch with his sinister light.

Therefore Jesus had been born at least 4 years before set by Dionisio. But how long before the death of Herod was born? If the event of the Magi from the East, recounted in Matthew 2, is substantially historical, we can deduce that when they arrived they found healthy Herod and still in Jerusalem. He received them, conducted their research, and enjoyed good health well, he promised them to go to Bethlehem once they return and bring news of the child. Instead it is known that the old monarch when he felt their health was aggravated, tormented by illness, became transferred to Jericho, and then to the termas de Calliroe to apply curative baths. Given that it did not improve, he returned to Jericho where he died shortly afterwards. This trip took place in November of the year 5, at the beginning of the winter. Needs to be done, a second addition of half a year more, and go back in the mid 5 BC to the birth of the Messiah.

Barcelona Player

September 12, 2013   

I have learned very many with him, never would have thought to be able to learn so much as there am hecho" , it has indicated. Like player of Barcelona, Alexis it arrives here at the conscious azulgrana picture that " the best ones of mundo&quot play; and among them it mentions Messi, Xavo and Iniesta. " The rest is excellent and I want to put me to his altura" , he has said. Its idea is " to always learn and of all the compaeros" and it has commented that if it pays attention to a good action signed by another player tries to learn it and to practice it until obtaining that it leaves to him. Alexis has admitted that it does not have had long time to speak with Guardiola. " Like any trainer everything what does must like objective gain each party and each competition where it participates. In addition he is a technician who very bets by a soccer tuna that excites pblico" , it has thought.

It does not have disadvantage in playing in the different positions in attack. " Messi takes the 10 and plays of end, is like 9. Here it does not concern the number that you take or the position, because in the end all move everywhere " , it has admitted. The Chilean conceives soccer " like juego" , but he assures that never one forgets " responsabilidad" that he entails. " Me the volume with more responsibility, although itself being the same player who when it was five or ten years old. Itself amusing to me in campo" , it has indicated. But it is not scared. After becoming the best player of Italian Liga the past season, Alexis Sanchez has commented who always has had faith in their possibilities. Source of the news: Alexis Sanchez: " Soccer always has helped me to surpass all the problemas"

Timothy Berners

September 5, 2013   

Already out of the strictly military scope, this incipient Internet (called ARPANET in its first stage) had a great development in United States, connecting lots of universities and research centres. The network joined centres of Europe and the rest of the world, forming what is known as the great world wide Web (World Wide Web); in 1990, ARPANET ceased to exist. At the end of 1989, the British computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web for the European Organization for Nuclear Research. His plan was to create a network for the exchange of information among researchers involved in projects related to this organization. The goal was achieved using files containing information in the form of texts, graphics, sound and video. This hypertext system was that led to the extraordinary development of the Internet as a means through which circulates large amount of information, which can be navigated using so-called hyperlinks.

At the moment is developing what is known as Internet 2, a redefinition of the system that has as its main objective the exchange of multimedia data in real time; such progress has come hand in hand with the improvement in the lines of communication with bandwidth as a major ally. 90% Of the information on the Internet is generated in the English language for around 300 million of computers scattered around the world, primarily in countries with high economic development. In Cuba, in addition to increasingly incorporating ICTs calls to that plan that is part of a State policy that has as a Center to the man and his environment, it employs them is also, increasingly, in the systems of surveillance and warning to ensure the protection of persons and their property. The national weather service station network is an example of this. The truth about Cuba on a daily basis is ignored or mishandled in public information dominated globally by the large transnational media.


September 3, 2013   

The cabinet military meets in a lost corner of the club of players in Roland Garros. 38 has already obtained the Serb Novak Djokovic his consecutive victory in 2011:6 – 2, 6-1 and 6-3 to the Dutch Of Bakker. Preparation is already had Rafael Nadal to today initiate its walking before the Isner American. And already, between treacherous boats, brilliant the white one under the sun, has overcome (6-3, 6-4 and 7-6) Roger Federer to Feliciano Lopez. The Swiss tennis player, defenestrado to world-wide number three, has not gained any of the four last great ones. The old lion is wounded.

On the verge of fulfilling the 30 years and intratable until recently – it coiled to the best ones in the Glass of Teachers of 2010-, attends the birth of a new rivalry in the circuit. Nadal and Djokovic carry out a planetary pulse now. Paul Annacone and Severin Luthi, the technicians of Federer, diseccionan the dangers of the new scene. Source of the news: : Federer does not throw the racket

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