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November 2014

Communitarian Policy

November 18, 2014   

ALAOR ANTONIO BITTENCOURT ADDRESS: Street Martinho de Haro, n 221, Condominium Florena – Apt 201, Quarter English, Florianpolis? SC. CEP 88058-540. Phone: (48) 9151-9697/3369-2492 (Residential)/3282-1158 or 3282-1258 (Commercial one? FAX). Email: or bittencourt2@ RESUME: Psychologist and Specialist in Management of Communitarian Policy for the UNIVALI, with some courses and training in the area of Public Security. Military policeman has 15 years, currently in the sergeant function.

Author of the Book ' ' ALONE Public Security: practical solutions for questions emergentes' ' (Vienna Publishing company). SUMMARY This work identified, through bibliographical survey and application of a half-structuralized questionnaire, the current model of management of the exchange of police turns of urban operational viaturas of 21 Battalion of Military Policy of Santa Catarina. The participants of the research, all of the masculine sex, above of 35 years (70.8%), with degree of escolaridade equivalent to Average Ensino (79.2%), with predominant hierarchic graduation of Soldier p.m. (79.2%), working in operational viaturas. How much to the time of service 83.3% it possesss more than 11 years in the police corporation and 62.5% more than work the 11 years in the operational service, being that the majority (75%) deferred payment to less than 20 km of distance of the quarter. Using the method of qualitative research it was verified that the dynamics of the relations of the work teams influence at the moment of the exchange of police turns, mainly as for the flow of available information and the used ways. The philosophy and objectives of the current model have focus in the continuity of the service of attendance of occurrences (repressive), different of what it is guided by the philosophy of Communitarian Policy (preventive). The policemen depend on its pairs, superiors and of the COPOM for supplying information to it, therefore the exchange of turns occurs individually and between viaturas, without the presence of all the team in a place adjusted, previously determined for the transistion of the service and with the appropriate materials for planning of the work.

Word-key: Policemen? Turns of Service? Management – Information INTRODUCTION the military policemen who work in the urban operational viaturas are citizens to a bigger contact with the external public, acting in preventive policing, atendimentos of emergency and direct repression to the crime and the clutter, therefore they are professional of reference to the institucional politics and procedures. The exchange of turns in turn is the one of the moments – most important seno? of bigger interaction between the police teams, being in charge of the team that is leaving to pass the pertinent information to the service, as: vultosas occurrences, conditions of the equipment, important administrative orders, events, lacks, delays, occurrences in progress, among others. In this context, the present article verifies if the exchange of turn of the military policemen of the ostensive policing of urban operational viaturas of the PMSC possess an adequate and continuous flow of information, providing elements for an efficient planning of the policing. The objective is To rethink practical the institucional ones related to the management of the exchange of turns of the military policemen of the service of ostensive policing of urban operational viaturas. For this, it was broken of the beginning of that for being the military model of policy a traditional and bureaucratic model of public administration of the given services the community, characterized for the centralization of the internal structures of command and control, the management of the exchange of turns of the military policemen of the service of ostensive policing of urban operational viaturas occurs without one adequate flow of information.

Historical Education

November 18, 2014   

HISTORICAL EDUCATION FOR the CHILDREN, stories the life continued as always, but the new day taught beautiful things. Like Saturday was customary the days, the conejito left to give a stroll with its older brother, each took a wood piece in the hands, in order to remove some gusanitos from deepest from the Earth. The good thing was that the previous night rain was been accompanied of the friend reason by which the Earth could be cleared easily. The conejito volume a gusanito in the hand and exempt him the life. When its brother greater him shout that beams? The conejito I answer did not like his form, it seemed to me revolting and dirty. When the greater conejito I listen to this explanation, I keep silence.

Then it did not want to damage that one so wonderful day, when afternoon it arrived at his aim, the rabbit volume of the hand to his hermanito and it said see to him, we fence to the precious stream, I want contarte a history. When they were both seated, the history of the following way began: there was a time in which one of the circuses that as much you like, brought several beautiful animal, as also it brought ferocious beasts, that function I am called World War I, some payasitos began to vote fire by the mouth, to be able to scare several beasts, that good nonmemory its name. I am going to say the names to you of some payasitos. Germany, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Russia, Yugoslavia, Japan, Poland. All excellent actors.

I believe that hard east I number of hours, from the year of 1914 to year 1918. One of the most powerful payasitos was Germany. When some clowns managed to win in the presentation to payasito Germany. They made him make a jump that was called the condemned, soon made him sign very seated on a lion a paper of several colors tuna that were called the treaty of Versailles.

Another Article

November 13, 2014   

Other points of prominence of the article are: economic relations in Amazon where although the lack of monetary circulation on the basis of regulated the products commercialized through the taxation of the foodstuffs the value of the money, showing a mosaic of economic relations. In short, valley to detach the temporalities that the author works in the article as the long one, the average and shortness duration of historical time. In tracking of the women, this text in them presents many indications one of which it is the question of in the demographic censuses the women to appear as being part of the inactive population, as well as showing the addition of the population of black slaves, women and man had in the same ratio. 28 Another factor that we find in this article showing the papers of the women during the period that the author works, we see in a baseboard note some professions exerted for the women: ' ' (…) the dressmakers corresponded the contingent greater: 4,064 women, including themselves 25% slaves and 75 free foreigners were. In accordance with category of the census, this sector still enclosed the laborers (…) ' ' .29 The last text which we make analyzes historiogrfica and looks for to analyze the presence of the feminine one in the Amaznia and the dissertao of mestrado of Elisngela Aid Maciel Soares30, working in the dimension of Social History, in the domain of the History of the Religions, searchs to understand as if it gave to the process of Romanizao in Brazil making a comparative analysis of as if it gave such process in the Amaznia. In its work it goes to stand out the Romanizao of the Church having with main vanguardistas of the movement the bishops reformadores Dom Alfonso Towers, and mainly D. Macedo of the Coast, where these had the pretension to more structuralize a Church in Brazil come back to the subjects of the faith, wanting autonomy before the State that for the system of Padroado finished controlling it.


November 10, 2014   

Still not reach her. Numerous indigo auras billions, who have been here long ago. Since the beginning of the new times. a But who gives light to these new shades of gray? Without any public halos of colored men and women cold. Polluters and bad happenings witnessed abhorrent road to nowhere.

Equal to the inevitable global destruction. Tico of the system. A new civilization sibermetica and without knowing why. Nor because we are here, not so. Cosmopolitan without charisma and electrifying look Blankets s globalists.

Aburria boreal auras testing them rebirth to the creed. a Tell me Lord? As light these great blackness of the road. a Tell me Lord? Como If you do not make white-hot torches of the past. And we're all tired of waiting that is eternal. They are great proof that make white-hot lights pancakes muscles. Staying off the lights. In the ashes of oblivion. Is it proof that Lord? Is this the test. The flame that makes it in my hand porto multiply. Whoever wants to make light of it. V part. Devastating dreams-aya He poisoned the Rio Rivers for Life your life my life our lives And the fish float and lie inert inert under the eyes of those who do not look a Do you have to look at life and all the lives? Occurrences of moans, some people if we look at our Rivers Rivers and Seas. Powerless (a ) cut the last one tree and killed a No new fish.

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